Whether you’re a stay at home parent or the breadwinner in your household, the financial value you bring to the table would be hard to replace if something happened to you. If you have loved ones who are relying on you, then considering life insurance may be a good idea.

“2 in 5 parents say they are barely or not at all financially secure,” according to industry trade associations LIMRA and Life Happens. “44% say it would take less than six months to feel financial hardship if this happened to their family.”

There’s not a magic number that determines how much life insurance you may need. Instead, it depends on your circumstances. You can start figuring out what is best for your family by calculating the financial cost to pay someone else to do the services you provide. Would you need to hire someone to watch your children, take them to and from sporting events, or transport them to music lessons? Do you have car payments or a mortgage to pay off? Your long and short-term needs can determine how much money your loved ones will need.

At Staggs Financial Services, we are here to help. Our motto is to provide you trust, security, and peace of mind as you make difficult decisions. You don’t have to figure this out alone. You can schedule a consultation today and see what needs are best for your family.


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